Conversation Starters For First Dates
When dating, there really isn’t such a thing as a dating pro. First dates will always be intimidating, and to make it less daunting, you should be able to know the right things to say. It’s really difficult to say that everyone would prefer the same first date conversation topics. But to give you an idea of the whole picture, remember that your date is no different from you. If you think that you have no idea what first date conversation topics he or she would prefer, your date will have the same predicament. Both of you actually share the same fears.
Here are a few first date conversation topics that you might want to explore.
As a first date conversation topic, start by complimenting on your date’s outfit. To compliment on what your date is wearing is to make him or her feel good about themselves. Should you be able to ask where he or she bought it, you will learn something about his or her clothing style and preferences.
You can ask your date how his or her day has been. This first date conversation topic will soon progress to what he or she does for a living. Asking your date how he or she got to this position is a foolproof first date conversation topic. It will allow you to find out what things he used to do before landing his or her present job. ‘What if’ questions are also good first date conversation topics. You can ask him or her what he or she is doing now and if he or she could have any job anywhere in the world, what would it be.
Ask your date where he or she lives and has lived. This first date conversation topic will let you end up in the name-game and find out if you have common friends or acquaintances. You will discover how great bonding element this would be.
You can also ask your date where he or she would really like to live for the rest of his life. This first date conversation topic will tell you so much about his or her long-term plans.
Other first date conversation topics can range from questions about your date’s family, current events topics, or even what he or she likes doing on weekends or as a hobby.
Your date’s responses to your questions on the first date conversation topics you choose will take you from there. These first date conversation topics can be very handy for those uncomfortable silences.
Remember to try your best to overcome the jitters. Just be yourself. If you try to be someone you are not, it will not make things better. Do remember also that you need to carry out the conversation the right way.
You may know as many first date conversation topics as you do, but if you don’t understand how to carry on a conversation that will make your date attracted to you, then what you talk about wouldn’t matter at all. That’s because the woman you’re talking to won’t feel the sincerity you wish to convey.
Be sensitive to your date’s responses to the first date conversation topic you strike. Show him or her you are interested in what he or she has to say through your body language and eye contact. A good sense of humor will do wonders to those first date conversation topics. Learn how to flirt as well and be able to learn how to deal with his or her questions also. Avoid sending mixed messages. Most of all, be comfortable with your first date conversation topic. That way, there won’t be any chance for you to be nervous at all, because you did not only handle the what, but the how as well.